To-do list: too long.
Stress level: too high.
Here's what is getting this science student, researcher, intern manager, wife, and mom through the long days and short nights.
• Podcasts Fresh Air, This American Life, Nature, On Being, Freakonomics when doing repetitive labwork
• Fun. On Pandora when crunching data
• Celtic radio on Pandora when word smithing or reading papers
• High protein and fiber food to keep me full: Greek yogurt, Great Grains cereal, apples, nuts. But if I sit long enough, I crave Cheez-Its and Strawberry Pop Tarts
• Coffee! Starbucks iced coffee or NescafĂ©. I know.
• To wake me up in the morning: Bodycology body wash in Gardenia scent. My husband picked this out and the whole family has been using it! Smells like summer.
• When I get home: reading books and snuggling with my boys at bedtime
• On DVR: As Time Goes By - my favorite BBC comedy. Master Chef - love watching with the whole family. Too tired for movies or intense dramas right now!
• Anytime Rob cooks something homemade for dinner!
Right now my family is definitely taking care of me. I'm not sure how long it's sustainable for me to be so absent physically and mentally. But the little things are helping get me through.